Be your most authentic self

Exploration Through Natural Voyaging
Journey to discover yourself through lucid dreaming and superconscious states

Natural Voyaging To Know Ourselves
How often do we allow ourselves the luxury of focussing deeply within ourselves? Even knowing that what we seek inside us will enhance our daily lives, many of us cannot or will not make time to look. So much hastiness, so many distractions and responsibilities. Combined with societal conditioning and the chronic over-achieving mentality of modern culture, we often have no 'getaway' from ourselves or each other.
It is popular to turn to consciousness changing chemicals in order to find a path out of the relentless drive. Whether used for recreational or therapeutic purposes, the lure of the quick fix, however, pulls many into the paths of addiction, loss of personal integrity and discernment. Far too many of us are having to resort to artificial chemical compounds and medications to deal with depression and loss of purpose.
Entheogenic based ritual and ceremony is one way of focussing within ourselves to search for our own answers. However, it is also a whole new cultural practice to learn, which tends to stress our nervous systems initially. Imbibing the sacred plant substances, elements and compounds of another cultural tradition is a panacea for current emotional/ mental/ psychological states of dis-ease and unrest. Much solid, strong work is being done in psychotropic assisted therapies. When these therapies are combined with nature-assisted therapy and sensitive natural environments, many people are finding ease and comfort.
However, dealing with the physical effects of cathartic purging, often overwhelming ancestral input, the emotional and mental strains of unpacking personal issues and the mind-blowing effects of having your consciousness expanded implosively, many questers find that the path of traditional First Nation sacred cultural practices is not for them. Combined with a lack of 'bliss aftercare' to support integration on all levels, many of those who have tried psychotropic therapies and experiences may feel too intimidated to return to continue the quest.
So, where does that leave the many who are yearning to know more of themselves but do not resonate with other cultures' traditional religious or spiritual practices and sacred plants, and wish to bring out their potential capacities naturally without any augmentation? Those who wish to journey with clear minds and hearts to explore their innermost beingness?
Dr Jenefer Bell has been learning, researching, practicing and teaching natural methods of journeying using the science and art of 'Field Theory', biophysics and practice-led research into the science of consciousness, for nearly four decades. Her methodologies are based on First Nation peoples' (including her traditional 'Celtic'), ethos of the 'dividual' self, response-ability, reciprocity, harmony of forces, planetary stewardship, natural law/lore and Universal consciousness.
Jenefer pays her respects to the MANY legends of Sovereign guardianship who have taught her cosmologies, geomancy, field dynamics, ecology, lucid dreaming, astrophysics, mythopoetics, hydrodynamics and the mechanics of superconsciousness. But principally and simply, how to be and act as a civilised human.
Jenefer is now sharing her knowledge and natural methods of journeying and braiding (and re-braiding) of ancestral lineages that catalyse order and 'healing' in our personal fields. These pages are devoted to the research and coaching results of the voyagers who are embarked on their personal Visionquests, and have been practicing, tuning up, healing, and journeying with Jenefer over the past 5 years of training together. Many are now practicing and coaching professionally themselves, mentoring others and creating their own modalities.

Hege's Quests: Hege is an artist, mother and voyager from the Nordic clans living in Southern Norway. She has been journeying with us for nearly a year and discovering the inner mythscapes and cosmologies of her ancestral peoples. Hege already has strong natural skills as a Seer and has consented to share some of her inner journeys through the sketches she has made.
Hege: "One-to-one sessions with Jenefer have been an essential part of me learning to trust my perceptual experiences during voyages. It has been very safe guidance to get to know and develop one's inner navigation system. In the supportive environment, I share and get feedback on my different sensations, energy flowing, sights etc. Without overriding me, Jen sees and understands what I do not pick up on, and discusses the revelations logically, rationally and professionally. It is a very fascinating and sometimes very liberating experience.
Our sessions have been very special, and touching to connect with my ancestors. I am finding shifts happening also after the sessions blocks have been cleared and new paths have opened. Often extraordinary dreams happen after and the sensation of hot spots on different parts of my body for several days following journeys. Jenefer is a truly wonderful teacher/lucid dreamer. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn how to live lucidly from her." (January 2025)

Exploring expanded states of consciousness through lucid dreaming practices.
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